On joining the Board, Dr Kobusingye said, “I welcome the opportunity to serve as a member of the iRAP Board to help make safer roads a reality in the African region. Many African countries combine young and burgeoning populations with rapid and poorly planned urbanisation and motorisation. The resulting toll of road traffic crashes and […]
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Jean Todt en tournée de sensibilisation en Afrique pour l’accélération de la lutte contre les accidents de la route.
L’Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies pour la sécurité routière, Jean Todt, est en visite en Afrique de l’Ouest pour accélérer la mise en œuvre de nouvelles politiques de mobilité, a indiqué la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Europe (CEE-ONU). L’Afrique sub-saharienne est la région du monde proportionnellement la plus touchée par […]
Read more...More TagUN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety visits West Africa to accelerate implementation of new mobility policies
The Special Envoy Jean Todt will visit Senegal (May 3-6) and Côte d’Ivoire (May 7-8) to meet with ministers as well as representatives of the private sector, public sector, and NGOs to advocate for the effective implementation of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, which aims to halve the […]
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Road traffic injures are a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, with around 1.3 million people killed and as many as 50 million people injured each year. For people aged 5-29 years, there is no greater threat to their lives. Globally, 1 of every 4 deaths occur among pedestrians and cyclists. The Global Plan […]
Read more...More TagAutonomy Mobility World Expo
Autonomy Mobility World Expo is one of the world’s largest annual gathering of international policymakers, institutions, NGOs, corporations, companies, and start-ups focused on sustainable urban mobility solutions welcoming 200+ exhibitors, 300+ speakers, and 8,000+ participants every year in March. The 2023 edition of the expo will take place on 22-23 March 2023 in Paris, Porte […]
Read more...More TagThe Argentine Minister of Transport M. Mario Andrés Meoni die in road accident
M. Mario Andrés Meoni was the Minister of transport of Argentina.
Read more...More TagEntretien avec Dr Olive Kobusingye
Médecin et chercheuse sur la sécurité routière, Dr Olive Kobusingye est chirurgienne spécialisée dans les blessures par accidents de la route et les urgences, et épidémiologiste. Chargée de recherche à l’Ecole de santé publique de l’université de Makerere, en Ouganda, elle dirige l’unité Traumatismes, Blessures et Handicaps. Elle fut conseillère régionale pour la prévention et […]
Read more...More TagAfrican Road Safety Observatory’s #Roads4Life Storytelling Contest
Dear road safety advocate,
Read more...More TagPremière Assemblée Générale de l’Observatoire Africain de la Sécurité Routière
Sous l’égide de l’Union Africaine et la Banque mondiale, ouverture ce jour a Durban de la première Assemblée générale de l’observatoire Africain de la sécurité routière créé en novembre 2018 à Marrakech.
Read more...More TagURGENT Press Reslease : Global Meeting – NGOs call for life-saving commitment to reduce road deaths and injuries
NGOs and global road safety stakeholders gathering this week in Chania, Greece, will call for governments around the world to commit to saving lives by reducing road deaths and injuries in their countries by 50% by 2030 and accepting the help of NGOs to achieve this challenging target.
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