BRASIL: 2nd High Level Global Conference on Traffic Safety

2nd High Level Global Conference on Traffic Safety.

Brazil will host, on November 18th and 19th this year, the most important discussion in the planet about traffic in inland transport, the “2nd High Level Global Conference on Traffic Safety – Time of Results”. The event will take place at the International Convention Centre of Brazil (CICB), in Brasília (Federal District), and will have, among its objectives, to evaluate the progress of initiatives to reduce deaths and injuries that have occurred around the world through the Decade of Action for Road Safety from 2011 to 2020.

(Brazil´s International Convention Center)
Address: SCES Trecho 2, Conjunto 63, Lote 50 – Asa Sul, Brasília – DF, 70200-002 +55(61) 2196-9000

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